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    电气与电子工程学院Poorva Sharma 副教授及其合作者的团队在 《合金与化合物》(Elsevier)杂志上发表重要的科学成果

    作者:图\Ashwini Kumar 文\Ashwini Kumar 审核\何庆日期:2022-08-04浏览量:

    最近,电气与电子工程学院智能控制与电子器件应用技术泸州市重点实验室Poorva Sharma副教授和Ashwini Kumar副教授团队与上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心物理系的曹世勋教授合作,在基于稀土离子的多功能材料方面取得了重要进展。作者使用光学浮区炉设计并合成了Eu3+离子掺杂的TmFeO3单晶,发现外部磁场对Eu3+-离子掺杂TmFeO 3中的磁性和自旋重取向转变有很大影响。研究结果说明了磁跃迁的重要性,并为实现先进的多功能材料提供了策略。题为“Robust magnetic-field effect on spin-reorientation in Eu3+-modified TmFeO3single crystals”的相关研究工作在线发表在顶级国际学术期刊《合金与化合物杂志》上。

    期刊介绍:《合金与化合物杂志》(Journal of Alloys and Compound)是一种国际同行评审的媒体,用于发表关于包含化合物和合金的材料的工作。它的巨大优势在于它所涵盖的学科的多样性,将材料科学、物理冶金、固态化学和物理学的成果汇集在一起。该杂志的跨学科性质在许多学科领域都很明显。材料问题的实验和理论方法需要各种传统和新型科学学科之间的积极互动。影响系数:6.317

    近年来,稀土正铁氧体RFeO3(R = rare-earth ions)由于其新颖的磁、电、磁热和磁光性质而引起了极大的兴趣,并且仍然是许多研究的主题,旨在更好地理解磁子系统的性质以及它们之间的相互作用如何依赖于外部参数,如温度、场、压力等。RFeO3的磁自旋重取向跃迁(SRT)行为可能为自旋电子学、磁数据存储和传感器领域开辟新的方向。

    Thulium orthoferrite, TmFeO3crystallizes in an orthorhombic perovskite structure as schematically shown in Fig. 1. The magnetic anisotropy of TmFeO3undergoes dramatic changes as a function of temperature and due to this large magnetic anisotropy; magnetic phases such as Г4, Г24, and Г2can appear with respect to temperature. TmFeO3have high Néel temperature,TN~ 632 K with G- type antiferromagnetic order.

    Authors reported the variation in magnetic behavior of TmFeO3by Eu3+doping. The anisotropic magnetic properties of Eu3+doped TmFeO3indicate that with the crystallographica-axis of the crystal, the spin reorientation transition is fully suppressed. Along the crystallographicc-axis, it clearly demonstrates that this modification by replacing free Tm3+ion with Eu3+ion results in significant changes in magnetic and spin-reorientation transitions caused by an external magnetic field. Such magnetic field-assisted tuning in magnetic solids is crucial for many potential applications. Obtained results show that the magnetic transition under an applied magnetic field has great flexibility, very unique and interesting magnetic characteristics.

    The research was supported by theLuzhou Municipal Science and Technology Plan Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, and National Key Research and Development Program of China.

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